Uma introdução a JAX

JAX é uma nova biblioteca para Python da Google com foco em pesquisa de alta performance em Aprendizado de Máquina e seguindo o paradigma de programação funcional. Mais especificamente JAX nos dá acesso a uma API compatível com numpy e scipy e transformações de função, as principais sendo grad, jit, vmap e pmap(que vai ter seu próprio post no futuro). O Wrapper de Numpy: jax.numpy JAX nos dá acesso ao jax.

Softbot Design with WANNS

Introduction I’m a Brazilian undergraduate student in Computer Science and I spent the past 3 months in the University of Tsukuba doing a research internship under Professor Claus Aranha. Here I will talk about my project during these past months to the best of my memory and in the end write down some lessons learned. The research idea Softbot Design Soft robots (softbots) are robots built from highly compliant materials, similar to those found in living organisms1.

About Me

Who am I I’m a curious person with diverse interests and a passion for computer science and math. Right now I’m an undergraduate student at the University of São Paulo. My Resume My github What is this site It’s my personal website where I will blog about programming, host any web related projects and post some interesting resources Some projects I’m part of Data University of São Paulo’s Data Science and Machine Learning Group